Are you feeling sad?

Sometimes we have no one with whom we can share our sorrows, our feelings, what we are desiring, how much pain goes on inside us and how much alone we are feeling. I know how much it hurts when we want to cry aloud but we can’t. Sometimes we pass on from some such situations where we have no one, we have a lot to tell but no one whom we can trust on, when sometimes you want to cry on someone’s shoulder but you didn’t even have a hand at least. The most heart-breaking feeling.

The sorrow may be because of being hurt by someone, may be due to failure, loose something, due to someone who broke your heart, it may be anything, anything it may be small or big, but when we are alone that feeling of loneliness hurts a lot. We want to stay silent, we want some peace, but sometimes we don’t even get that also. Sometimes when you are sad, you are surrounded by people, you want to cry, you want to share but still remain quit because of not being able to tell what you are thinking about, how you are feeling and what you have suffered.

Even sometimes it gets worse when you don’t want to talk or to enjoy, you want a bit of peace but people around you became an obstacle they distract you, they irritate you, they try to make fun you were forced to smile or laugh against your will, it was like “Ahh! Can I get a little bit of peace.” but you cannot do anything except accompanying with them. You know that you want a peaceful environment for a little bit of time but you can’t. You don’t get that. Sometimes you want to run away, far away where no one can disturb you, irritate you, but you can’t do anything, you are bound, you are tied, tell me do your heart don’t want to say something. Your heart was crying, it was shouting loud and loud such that you can’t have control on your heart, because it wants to react but you can’t.

This is a little bit sad, this is a little bit heart-breaking, you want a person who can listen you in your sorrows, who can give a shoulder to make you feel a little good, a person to whom you have no fear to share anything. But very few get some such kind of people mostly everyone remains alone. Sometimes you want to run away but you can’t, sometimes you want to lock yourself inside a room but you can’t, your heart was shouting but you can’t; I can only suggest you to just don’t do anything but do ignore the people around you for a short while engage yourself in the things you love like listening music, watering plants, cooking, writing, painting or anything that you love, that can make yourself a bit silent that can make your heart stay calm because we cannot go away, we cannot be alone for all the time but to separate yourself away from the people can make you feel good, make your heart feel good.

Try it, and if you have someone very special just share your sorrows, pain with that one who can understand you, who cannot judge you but only listen you. Its life and it goes on like this, we have to face troubles, we have to face difficulties, we have to feel sorrows. So don’t be sad for what so ever is going on because may be someone else is in much more painful situation than you. Enjoy your life, try to look at things with different point of view, if something is disturbing you, giving you pain just ignore it and move forward for something that will make you feel happy.

Be happy, share your feelings, spend time with you, love yourself…..listen your heart………………


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