Always be ready to learn

Life, it's a big journey of ours instead of being so small. Life has many roads, paths and routes. It has many things that it wants to share or to teach us in this whole journey. We spend our whole life behind achieving our goals. What these goals are? They are a lesson or a chapter of our life after learning which, we move to other one. It's natural that once you complete one goal you get another ready to achieve for. We are humans and we have a habit common in us that we never stop learning, which is worth exciting and exploring.

The world is so huge, it's such a big one that we will never be able to know about it completely instead if we try 10 times age of our single life. What this universe actually is, is unable to explain instead if you search for your whole life still you will be unable to know a single part of it. The process of learning keeps on going there is no end, there is no pause, as we need to complete our needs we need to learn. That's why always be prepare for learning new things.

If you think why should I my whole life spend on learning, then let me tell you that we never came to know but when it is required we instantly began to learn by our self without our knowledge. Sometimes you never came to realize that what you are doing has a hidden lesson in it. Man learns, he learns from everywhere, he learns in happiness, he learns in sorrow, learns in pain, by his past, through his present, from each and every moment. A human life is full of learning or let me say that not only man but each and every living life keeps on learning, is not wrong.

It's a small life but in our whole life we learn millions of lessons, and in the last all ends when we share some of its part to someone else. The other one began to learn from the part one shared and then achieve some other part in its whole life, which he again shares to someone else, who again began to learn and thus this goes on, and the cycle will continue. Today whatever we are, wherever we are is because of this continuous cycle of learning. Because when one person learns something he share it to some other one who again study and learn something new about it and share it, thus the continuous stream of knowledge flows on with time and the progress and achievements goes on.

Thus, the learning is......
Leading something new
Always teach us some new and interesting facts.
Enrich our skills
Increase our skills and develop them.
Asks for the reasons
Always force you to find reason for why and what.
Route to your questions
Take you to answers to your questions.
Never satisfied
Still you are not satisfied with the reasons and answers and search for something satisfactory.

Keep learning, keep enjoying is a part of life. Sometimes we fail but then we stand up again and move on by learning the lesson that we should be more focused. Always be ready for lessons, challenges and problems of life as they are never going to end and never going to give you a chance to stop.

Keep learning, keep enjoying, do your best, be happy, love yourself........listen your heart.


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