If you think that you are less than you are a moron

Life is short and life is great. You are lucky that you get a life worth valuable for you. Why you blame your life if you are short, fat, black, old traditioned, old styled, having a bad sense of dressing, etc. You don’t deserve to judge yourself by your complexion, your thoughts that are your own. You are different. You have your own appearance that differs you from others and it is important. Don’t you need to judge yourself by the words of the people and don’t you judge your own self with anybody else by thinking that he/she is better than you because you are a one of your kind, you are the creation of the god and if he made you as you are it mean you have that difference that no one can have other than your own self.

If you think you are lesser than anyone, I am not hesitating to say this that you are a moron, a big fool, who is disappointing his/her own self by comparing itself with someone who is he/she not.  Do you know what makes you special? your thoughts, your ideas, your way, your style. If someone hates you because of what you are, what you look like, ignore the person, because a good person will always judge you from your deeds not from your face, complexion and looks.

Are you remain totally upset by those who used to make you feel lesser, I think you shouldn’t because they don’t know you, not a bit of you, and it is better to ignore that kind of personalities. Have you look an oyster which looks dirty; at least it’s not beautiful but it contains the most precious jewel inside, a pearl or what is the connection between the coal and the diamond, why diamonds are found in the coal mines  only because purity and beauty can be hidden only inside something having less appearance because it will be a great guard of its. The same is you, your heart, your thoughts, your ideas are the jewel that are inside you. You need to search them; you need to find you, not to what the world is expecting from you.

Life is single, life is only a chance and you need to make it better, you need to make it valuable. If you always try to embrace yourself due to what you don’t have you will also loose what you have. Listening your self is important, listening your heart is important. Nothing is greater and better than the voice of your own.
That’s why respect yourself, love yourself……and listen your heart………….


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