Find in you the Talent of yours

Find in you the talent of yours
We all in this world are born with some special qualities, when we give time to these qualities they become our talent. My view towards talent is that everyone has special qualities in him/her by birth but we need to search them, we need to work on them, we need to do our best to develop them and then name them talent. Which talent you have or which one you are interested into? You also have some, if no then start searching your hidden talent.

Do you love cooking or to sing or to paint or to write or to dance or anything else? And do you do not have a good hand in it, do you think that you are unable to do that or you have no abilities to present that I think you should try your likeness, your hobby by yourself too. Sometimes we did something extraordinary like sometimes we wrote some beautiful lyrics or sometimes we cook something very delicious or sometimes we suddenly create some new steps and then we came to realize that “what! I am very talented, and then in other we used to say that it's by chance I am not such talented. But I think this sudden release of your extraordinary work is that named as your quality. Sometimes we ignore it by thinking that it’s just by chance but no you have the ability, you have the capacity that you can do it well and can make your hands more flexible in that particular field. You just need to give time.

For me the definition of talent is

Taking steps to make things extraordinary
When we want something big, we start from the small steps that will be converted into big possibilities and aims. You should make it such valuable that you can make a simple and unnecessary thing an extraordinary one.
Achieving dreams
We all have dreams and these dreams are somewhere a source of our talent that forces us to achieve them. When you do with your heart you automatically began to look forward and observe the structure of your dream you are building by your own self.
Looking for big possibilities
Talent needs all possibilities whether it is simple or hard, small or large but bigger once so that you can show it to the world, so that your steps are big, so that you have a madness towards something.
Emotive and effective work
When we work on our talent, we keep on shaping them, sharping them; which all is of great patience and full of emotions. While struggling we have to face many difficulties, many opportunities we need to make our moves, our sources more effective and once you get something you will automatically find how much you are connected with that.
Never afraid of trying new things
Talent is what it gives birth to something new. It never satisfied by the old work but each time it demands for something new. Trying new ways, trying some different tasks, this creates talent.
Turning passion into profession
I think once you start shaping your talent, you instantly began to make it somewhere the part of your life. You began to enjoy it, it becomes your passion that you love and someday you want to live your passion, you want to turn it into profession. This is the completeness of your so long journey.

 I think it's a big life and we are not always busy in our jobs we can took out some time for us also instead of being so busy then why don't you try to explore yourself in that time. Try to find what goodies and talents you have. Try to check what you can do which is only for you. We all have capability that we can do something extraordinary which is I think should be better than some other one. Searching your self is truly a nice art, if someone says me that you are very talented then I have the answer that it’s not talent, it's my hard work, it's my time, it's my emotions that I have given to the particular field. I think we can do each and everything whatever we want to but the need is that we have to make our self for that particular thing. We have to suffer, we have to struggle, we have to search inside us; we all are unique, we all have two hands, two legs, one face, one nose, one heart etc.  What the other person can do we can do just better than that, but we need to focus on us. We need to love our self; we need to give time to our self. Once you began to search inside you, there are so many hidden talents you will automatically find in yourself and then one day you will find in you a big box full of hidden hobbies and talents.
Search yourself, make experiments with you, make your life more than what you have, increase your appetite of learning........ love yourself, listen your heart.


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