10 best motivational quotes
Motivation is a great factor in enhancing our quality, speed and capacity to work.
Whenever we feel a little low some kind of motivation helps us to recover.
Here are some of the best motivational
quotes for you written by me. I hope you will like them and share them.
1. Doing great is not necessary, doing great
is necessary.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/doing-great-not-necessary-doing-good-necessary-wle4f
2. Life is a track with no definite destination.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/life-track-no-definite-destination-wnbku
3. Hope is a word that can build you and
hope is a word that can break you.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/hope-word-break-you-hope-word-build-you-wtsbe
4. I am not a planner, I am a dreamer just
use to see them and run behind them to make them come true.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/i-not-planner-i-dreamer-just-use-see-them-run-behind-them-y962u
5. Don't burn your ideas, don't burn your
dreams, just burn your fears and move forward with courage.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/don-t-burn-your-ideas-don-t-burn-your-dreams-just-burn-your-wq9oq
6. Sometimes it is better to face yourself
than running away from the truth.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/sometimes-it-better-face-yourself-than-running-away-truth-xez9u
7. When nothing goes according to plan,
then it is better to move forward without caring what is going to be happen in
the future.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/it-better-move-forward-without-caring-what-going-happen-xs8np
8. Mountains are like stubborn people, who
are always ready to face troubles with their heads raising with courage.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/stubborn-people-who-always-ready-face-troubles-their-heads-wt12f
9. Life is truly loved only when we do what
we want, when we give time to our ownself and run for our own dreams.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/do-what-want-when-give-time-our-ownself-run-our-own-dreams-w0h7e
10. They are lucky who born with fortunes
as there are many who need to make their own fortunes.

Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/mansi-kumari-bnqvx/quotes/they-lucky-who-born-fortunes-there-many-who-need-make-their-wr1dg
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