Love Art?

Are you a painter or an art lover, then this article is for you? Here there are some of mine dedicated quotes to art , waiting for you to give you a new strength and power towards your passion . These quotes are a creation of my mind for which I was inspired by my work - 1. “Art is not a talent but it is a kind of language, language of colours, colours that fill words with sensibility.” Really its true, true for an artist because he knows that he can better understand or make other let him understand through the magical words of art. Art is truly a lovely, creative language the world can only understand when he can feel the passion of art in him/her or in others. I think comparing an art with the talent is not right because talent is only created when you give an ordinary thing an extraordinary time and love, and art is the only work of time and love. 2. “Art is the only way of running away fro...